
Day 7 Prompt: Fingers, Form: Prose, Device: Assonance

No assonance in this one.


Sideways glances.

 Watch the fingers flying.

 Quick looks at the sound of a laugh.

How can that mean anything?

In the silence there is happiness.

Friends reunited.

Ignoring the stares of curious strangers.

Exploits and confidences shared.

Concerns conveyed.

Relaxed, happy.

Relishing the company and conversation.

So much expression and meaning those wonderful fingers convey.

It’s music for the soul.


No fingers but a little assonance in this one:

How can we make it

Sound the same

When our accents

Are all different?

Author: macmsue

I’m a sister, wife, mother, grandmother, auntie and friend. I prefer to be outside and am interested in photography, nature and different cultures. I believe everything on this earth has a right to be here but some things and some people would be happiest if their space was far away from mine. (Flies and biting bugs take note!) I don’t like housework and think dust is Nature’s way of saying, “This is my space, I was here first.”

Does this ring any bells with you?